Monday, September 26, 2011

Coming Up With Ideas

It can be tough to come up ideas for ads. So much stuff has already been done. They also can't be random ideas- these have to hit the target market exactly.

So why am I writing about this? Well, it's probably because I've had some trouble coming up with ideas lately. I chalk that up to me trying too hard. I want to make great ads, but when you think about to hard, then nothing happens and you end up beating yourself up about it and telling yourself that your not creative.

Probably the best thing to do is just leave your work alone and come back to it later. I found that after being frustrated for hours, I took a break and did something completely different. The ideas still didn't come thought because I was still subconsciously thinking about it. When I started talking to someone, BAM! I suddenly got a few ideas that I could work on. Simple as that.

When you have writer's block, don't think too hard or don't think about what you are working on at all. It worked for me, that's for sure.

A couple other things of note: I now have a YouTube channel, so you can check that out. Just search for GalacticGirlx2 and you can check out a whole bunch of videos that I have favourited. Some of these could make it onto my blog sometime, you never know.

Also, Advertising Week is a week away, and I will be attending! Hopefully, I will have time to blog and give updates about what is going on there. It's going to be a lot of fun.

So that's it for now. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @GalacticGirlx2 to get even more insights into what it's like being an advertising student, or as my teacher says, a student of advertising.

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